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Rock Out with...

Rock on the Rocks

Paulie's Pub

More Sugar, 11/08:


It's 12:53am when bassist/vocalist "Foxy" Roxy Von Popov calls out from the stage at the Sue's Sunset House in Peekskill. "I'm parched. Who's gonna join me in a drink?" The howling chorus at the bar raise their glasses to ensure that indeed, Roxy is not drinking alone tonight. Roxy smiles her broad smile and enjoys a healthy gulp of martini before drummer St. Pauli Dangerousli counts off the intro to another barn-burning, raved-up rock classic.

Of course, when you're in the Lifesize Gorgeous Cocktails, you never drink alone. The Cocktails are founded on two basic principals - the need to drink and the need to ROCK. Their sixties-inspired stage show recalls the glory days of garage -- when The Kinks, The Who and The Stones were considered unruly punks whose sneering lyrics and high-test songs gave rise to countless bastard children bands like the Seeds, the Raiders, and the 13th Floor Elevators, all of which have, at one time or another, been given the Cocktail twist.

That's not to say they're a nostalgia act. "There are a few modern bands that capture the same spirit," says front man Stewed Driver. "We love mixing up The White Stripes with The Doors, Stones, Deep Purple and the Yardbirds. It's all about music that makes you want to shake your ass."

"The energy and the sound are really the star," states guitarist Otto Wino, who also does time in the legendary horror-rock outfit, The Scared Stiffs, "...and the go-go dancers. We make songs you never heard sound familiar, and take songs you do know and throw 'em in the blender with a shot of adrenaline."

Rounding out this "most original cover band" is Professor Harvey Bangwaller -- resident mixologist and keyboard genius. Not to mention a trio of long-legged lovely dancers known as The Luscious Lushes who go-go till every last drop is gone-gone. Rock on the rocks - we'll drink to that!

The Lifesize Gorgeous Cocktails appear every third Friday of the month at The Sunset House in Peekskill. They will also be performing with Hey Baby at More Sugar's 15th anniversary bash, Sunday November 23rd at the German-American Social Club Kramers Pond Road, Putnam Valley, NY.
An article from More Sugar:


The Lifesize Gorgeous Cocktails

It’s 12:53 a.m. when bassist/vocalist “Foxy” Roxy Von Popov calls out from the stage at the Katonah Grill, “I’m parched. Who’s gonna join me in a drink?” The howling chorus at the bar raise their glasses to ensure that indeed, she is not drinking alone tonight. Roxy flashes a broad smile and enjoys a healthy gulp of her martini before Brooklyn-born drummer St. Pauli Dangerousli counts off the intro to another barn-burning, raved-up rock classic.

The Lifesize Gorgeous Cocktails never drink alone.

The Cocktails (fans call them LGC) are founded on two basic principals – their love of libations and their need to rock. Their 60’s-inspired stage show recalls the glory days of garage – when The Kinks, The Who and The Stones were considered unruly punks whose sneering lyrics and high-test songs gave rise to countless bastard bands like the Seeds, the Raiders, and the 13th Floor Elevators, all of which are given the Cocktail Twist.

That’s not to say they’re a nostalgia act. “There are a few modern bands that capture the same spirit,” says frontman Stewed Driver. “We love mixing in The White Stripes and Jet with The Doors and Yardbirds. It’s all about music that makes you want to shake your ass.”

“The energy and the sound are really the stars,” states guitarist Otto Wino, who also does time in the local horror-rock outfit, The Scared Stiffs. “We make songs you never heard sound familiar, and take songs you do know and throw ‘em in the blender with some extra shots of adrenaline. Nothing sounds karaoke.”

Rounding out this “most original cover band” is Tina Colada – saucy siren from the Florida Keys on (what else?) keys; plus soundboard knob twister and sometime bassist Dickie Mellonball. They even provide a floor show in the form of a couple of long-legged lovelies known as The Lucious Lushes who go-go til every last drop is gone-gone.

"Bar owners love us. We get people juiced. Literally," says Roxy. We can all hoist our glass to that.

The LifeSize Gorgeous Cocktails get their drink on June 30 at The Claddagh on Rte. 6 in Mahopac.
A review from the Pickups Band website

Paulie's Pub - Pleasantville, NY

Two Rock n Roll Bands! What could be better for forgetting the TAX DAY Blues!

On Friday, April 15, The Lifesize Gorgeous Cocktails and DeepCuts brought the house down at Paulies in Pleasantville. More than 100 people came to hear & see a Rock and Roll Show that kicks off PAULIES as the premier LIVE MUSIC VENUE in mid-Westchester!

The Lifesize Gorgeous Cocktails blasted out a first with real special 60's and 70's nuggets, fronted by Tommy 'Ozzy-Bono' on vocals. Doors, Beatles, Kinks... but certainly not mainstream. They captivated the audience attention for a crisp 45 minute set!
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