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End of Daze

Run for your lives! It's the end of the world!It’s a New Year, and while the birds are dropping and the fish are floating, The Lifesize Gorgeous Cocktails have every reason to believe that the world will not end by this weekend. That’s why we’re stickin' to our love guns and not canceling our debut show Saturday night at Katie Mac’s neighborhood watering hole in Mt. Kisco. That’s right, we’re saying F-U to Nostradamus and the Mayan Calendar and all those doomsday-sayers who insist that 2011 is really 2012 due to a clerical error, and it doesn’t matter because when the shit goes down... fire, flood and famine, we’ll still be jammin' -- playing everybody’s favorite 60’s and 70’s garage/stadium rock, albeit as your faces melt and hair goes up in flames. Burn, baby, burn!

LGC Trivia Question: Which bandmember NEARLY ran over his dead neighbor lying frozen in the street on the way to last Friday’s Sue’s Sunset show?

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